How Mindfulness & Yoga helps us to understand feelings of Jealousy and Envy ~ The Art of Aparigraha: (Non-attachment/Non Hoarding)  

"I want what she's having" the famous line out of the movie When Harry Met Sally highlights the human tendency to want what others have got, because we think it…

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The Yoga of Respect & Mindful Listening to Create Intimacy on and off the Yoga Mat – The Yama of Brahmacharya

Paying attention to how you treat your body and other peoples bodies on and off the yoga mat can open up the door for great insights into what it is…

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Eight Limbs of Yoga & Pillars of Mindfulness – How They Can Help

"At first, following a moral code can be seen as a protection for yourself and others. With further practice and reflection, you can see how each basic area of truthfulness…

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