Best books on love ~ Why Mindfulness & Yoga helps us


“ It is not love that hurts you. It is your fear of love that will hurt you” 

Being an opportunist I will take advantage of any excuse to discuss one of my favourite topics – LOVE!

On my list of top 10 books to read would definitely be : LOVE  What life is all about by Leo Buscaglia

For those of you who are time poor here are some really helpful quotes to inspire your contemplative meditation and some take home messages especially for those of you in the caring or ‘helping’ profession :

  1. First of all the loving individual has to care about himself. This is number one.
  2. Everything is filtered through me, and so the greater I am, the more I have to give
  3. We are so funny, we have to learn to laugh at what we do, what we create. We create ‘time’ then become a slave to time.

My insight on this – thus training the mind to be anywhere but here NOW so no wonder the heart is restless and is shit scared to love life as it is happening right now. The what if’s , have the heart jumping out of its own skin (warning bias note follows;) – this is why I practice and teach Mindfulness  – Another word for it is HEARTFULNESS!

4. A loving person is one who recognises responsibility

5. By learning more about your mind, you can learn to overcome resistance leaving a lot more s p a c e for love.  Physical yoga (yoga asana) is great for reliving tension, but also in learning how to work with challenging poses or challenges within the body we learn our relationship to ‘tension’

6.  Love is a Learned Phenomenon ; “How man learns to love seems to be directly related to his ability to learn, those in his environment who will teach him” – and so is the potential of teaching YOGA + MINDFULNESS to your community

7. Love isn’t afraid to feel

8. Like our Yoga Practice – Love can teach us and requires us to be strong. It shows us subtlety, sensitivity, understanding, flexibility, acceptance, knowledge and strength more than any other human endeavour.

9. Only by being vulnerable can we truly accept and offer love. Even though we know that if we offer vulnerability we may risk being misused or taken advantage of. We know at a deeper level that if we hold a part of ourselves in reserve to protect this vulnerablity, we will always receive in return only the partial love that we give.

My favourite TED Talk of all time on Vulnerability is from Brene Brown see link below 

10. Your biggest role in life is not to seek love but to seek within yourself all of the barriers you’ve built against it ~ Rumi

“We are all functioning at a small fraction of our capacity to live fully in its total meaning of loving, caring, creating and adventuring. Consequently, the actualising of our potential can become the most exciting adventure of our lifetime” 

~ Herbert Otto 


Happy Valentines Day , Namaste xox Tammy 

The most breath taking man made expression of LOVE Ive ever seen - The Taj ! An amazing love story
The most breath taking man made expression of LOVE Ive ever seen – The Taj ! An amazing love story

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