Mindfulness involves the art of ‘bare attention’ being able to see things as they are
Self inquiry can reveal many interesting things about the nature of the mind, first and foremost though is the pre-requisite to ‘be kind’
Non Judgement is part of that , especially when learning anything new. Especially learning to be a yoga teacher. Quite often I witness the process of the inner struggle that goes on from self judgement when teacher trainees are practicing their teaching. Inner criticism sadly is common in most of us it seems – thankfully the Mindfulness Pillars can help us make friends with ourselves.
Here is a great poem shared by Rosie one of our Teacher Trainees who has just commenced her apprenticeship / mentoring program to inspire this intimate process of treating yourself like your own best friend , rather than ‘continually prodding and poking ourselves’ to be perfect.
This process does not happen once and we’ve ‘nailed it’ we begin again and again and again – this process of Mindfulness never ends
Self-Observation Without Judgement
Release the harsh and pointed inner
voice. It’s just a throwback to the past,
and holds no truth about this moment.
Let go of self-judgment, the old,
learned ways of beating yourself up
for each imagined inadequacy.
Allow the dialogue within the mind
to grow friendlier, and quiet. Shift
out of inner criticism and life
suddenly looks very different.
I can say this is only because I make
the choice a hundred times a day
to release the voice that refuses to
acknowledge the real me.
What’s needed here isn’t more
prodding toward perfection, but
intimacy – seeing clearly, and
embracing what I see.
Love, not judgment, sows the
seeds of tranquillity and change.
One Soul: More poems from the heart of yoga
By Danna Faulds
Mindful Warrior Yoga Class Series available for DOWNLOAD TO YOUR DEVICE with bonus sequence charts With Tammy Williams (Founder of Yoga NRG + Mindfulness Training Australia ) click here to purchase
To come to our Yoga NRG classes CLICK HERE
Rosie, Jess, Tracey and Suzie will be teaching our newly scheduled classes as part of their mentoring program . We also have some
OR to enquire about our Mentoring Programs for YOGA + MINDFULNESS TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS CLICK HERE