Mindfulness for yr Monday ~

Don’t worry about the things you cannot change.
When I was delivering Yoga Teacher Training in Gladstone we invited members of the community for our Teacher Trainees to teach. A retired couple turned up who had not long started Yoga & were absolutely loving it.

When asked their reasons for doing Yoga they said ….

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When it comes to perspective of why we practice that’s a pretty good one right there.
A lot of us can be worried about ageing this discussion came up at during discussions at a Training with David Swenson his comment stuck with me : “Why are people worried about ageing the alternative is death”

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One great thing about Practising Yoga & Mindfulness is it not only teaches us to look after our bodies , it gives us clarity and perspective.

One of the Pillars of Mindfulness is a Sense of Humour. When we are stressed or run down it’s harder to cultivate. When we are putting in the effort to move the body, feed it well and get enough sleep we have a much clearer perspective.

It’s also great to be around people that remind you of the bigger picture , students and teachers.

Great News! Due to demand we are now releasing single class options for David Swenson TODAY!! Limited Number available.

David will be leading a workshop on how we apply Yoga to daily life and one called “through the eyes of a teacher” Learning to support others with Yoga.

Open to everyone interested as this is a very rare opportunity that David is in Australia that alone QLD .

Book Event HERE


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